Karan Johar’s Bollywood romantic drama “Rocky Aur Rani Ki Love Story” proved to be successful at the box office in two weeks with an impressive performance internationally. With a respectable collection of US$7 million in its first week, the film continued to register amazing figures on its second Friday as well.
In Australia, the film grossed AUD 91,000 on its second Friday, only 20% less than the previous week’s AUD 112,000 after losing 40% of the opening slot. This unexpected distribution setback did not deter the film’s popularity, with a high occupancy rate in its first week despite limited screenings. The scenarios that normally lead to better second-weekend screenings did not apply to “The Love Story of Rocky and Rani” as most major venues closed its screenings. Nonetheless, the film overcame these difficulties admirably and showed unique appeal among the audience.
At the film’s success press conference, director Karan Johar gave some charm to the song “Tum Kya Miley”, inspired by Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s iconic love song. He made the love story between Rocky Randhawa and Rani Chatterjee a modern benchmark, emphasizing the need to adjust the tone of love and romance to the modern age.
Karan, who returned to direction after 7 years, made his re-debut with ‘Rocky E Rani Ki Prem Kahani’, which opened to overwhelming love and favorable reviews. The director expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the love and response he has received, calling it an unprecedented experience in his career. Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion
The story of “Rocky and Rani Ki Love Story” revolves around the love story of Rocky and Rani who have diametrically opposite lifestyles and backgrounds. While Rocky is from a wealthy Punjabi family, Rani is from a Bengali family that values knowledge and intellect above all else. Their love blossoms, but they soon realize that there are contradictions in their families. To impress each other’s families, Rocky and Rani decide to live with their respective in-laws.
The film’s box office success in its third week of release is raising expectations. However, it is a pity that the number of screenings is limited.
“Rocky and Rani’s Love Story” not only touched the hearts of the audience with its endearing story, but also showcased the directorial talent of Karan Johar, proving that love stories can appeal to the audience even in modern times. Are. Despite distribution problems, the film was a success, leaving an indelible mark on the industry and setting a new standard for modern love stories.